Sunday, May 19, 2013

Diabetes Schmiabetes

This weekend Emily did some travelin! It was a girls weekend with her three caregivers Nicole, Jamie, & Kinzi. We road tripped down to Rochester, MN for the JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes. We got a fancy hotel, a Marriot with a third floor pool! Kudos to all of our recent hotels for having lifts to get the kid in & out of the water! We walked down the street to dinner at a place called Dooley's Pub. As we were eating a balloon man approached us and asked Emily if she would like some balloons. He made her two flower bracelets and then made Nicole, Jamie, & Kinzi stethoscopes. Very creative! The walk was on Sunday. It was forecasted to rain, but we actually lucked out and got a beautiful day for the most part. When the walk was over it started to sprinkle a little bit but then stopped right away. Our team name was Sharp Shooters and we got team shirts made. Emily had a lot of fun!

(Computer having trouble with image upload. Pictures to come)

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