Monday, May 13, 2013

Epilepsy & ER visits

Emily has had a bit of a rough weekend! On Friday, May 10 Emily started to have multiple staring seizures. Quite simply this means her eyes are staring off to one side for a given period of time usually ranging from 5-60 seconds. She has occasionally had these before, but only one or two in a single day. Well by noon on Friday she was already up to 8 of these episodes so we were on the phone with her doctors trying to make a plan of action. It is very difficult to get into a neurologist for an appointment and our general doc couldn't help us. We eventually made our way down to Children's Hospital Emergency Room. We sat in the ER being monitored for about 6 hours when they made the decision to admit Emily to the Epilepsy unit of Children's Hospital. To determine what was going on she had leads hooked up to her head for an EEG (electroencephalogram), a heart monitor, and a video monitor. They watched her all night long using all of this equipment. Over the course of this entire day Emily experienced 20 staring seizure episodes!! The next day she had 9. And by Monday she was back to only one, or even zero, in a day. We are not exactly sure why this happened as the doctors found no good explanations on the EEG readings.

(computer having trouble with image upload. Pictures to come)

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