Thursday, April 11, 2013

Cages & Comedy

It's been a rainy trip so far! It has rained every day that we have been here. Luckily, Emily has Mel & the girls to brighten up her days! She has been working really hard but enjoying every minute of it.


She worked in another cage today. This one is different from the UGL she used yesterday. She wears a harness and gets hooked up to the cage in all four corners with big bungee cords. She is actually able to stand on her own in here. She works on reaching for things and bending down. They work all different parts of her body while she is in the cage.

They tied Barneys to the cage so Emily could reach for them. Barney's foot got stuck and wouldn't come off the bungee cord so Emily was trying to launch it at Katie! Katie played along and was very theatrical so Emily had a great time making everyone laugh.


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