Thursday, April 18, 2013

Target Trips & Tornadoes

Emily's morning massages are helping to improve her circulation. EVERYTHING is a game for Emily including stretches. She likes to kick people and knock over Barney toys for her leg work.

Mel was putting Em into position for a stretch and she decided to practice her face-down planking with her friend Katie.  Then they got cozy and had a nice moment looking at each other :)

She was working on tailor sitting as per us[ual] so we snapped some pics and sent them to her classmates back at school. Then she got all slouchy on the wall and thought she was soooo funny!

After therapy we made a Target run. We went in search of some groceries but came across other fun things. She picked out different hats and sunglasses to try on and we texted out pictures to friends! Mel's birthday is coming up next week so we also picked out some birthday cards for Emily to give to her. Emily is so thoughtful.

We are having some strange weather. We can't complain too much though because at least it isn't snowing here! Yesterday was in the 40s/50s and then today it got up to 79 degrees. Such a temperature change brought on down-pouring rain, thunderstorms, and tornado watches!! Emily thought the rain was all well & funny when we were in the car, but as soon as we got out and it started to hit her she was NOT diggin on it anymore!

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