Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Peanuts & Pulleys

Emily starts out each day at Euro-peds with massage and stretching. She gets heat packs placed under and over her legs to warm up and relax her muscles. Mel lets her play with Barney books and watch Barney movies to keep her occupied during stretching.


Today she did a variety of workouts including walker, crawling, peanut ball, and a weight lifting system called UGL. This consists of a table that Emily lays on surrounded by a big cage which uses cords and pulleys to facilitate weight lifting with her legs. Barney played a key role in motivation!

She has so much fun at therapy that it is hard to get her to leave! She just wants to stay and play all day. Kudos to our therapists Mel & Katie for their extremely high energy level and ability to keep Miss High Maintenance so entertained! Katie lets Em push her around, for therapeutic purposes, of course ;)


Since Emily's surgery in September 2011 she has not been able to tailor sit (cross leg.) She had hardware brackets placed in her hips during surgery which prevented her body from being able to get into this position. When she had the hardware removed in September 2012 we tried to work on getting back into tailor sitting. She was very nervous to try since it had been a year of not doing it and her muscles were also not used to it anymore. They have been working on this and have already made great progress!

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