Monday, April 15, 2013

Ready, Set, Repair!

It was quite a hassle but after an entire morning of phone calls, emails, and a 30 mile drive, we found a place to fix Em's chair. Whew! The technician who fixed it was such a nice guy! We were so happy to have a working chair we could have hugged him!

Sorry for the lack of pictures today. Since we were dealing with wheelchair issues the whole time Emily was in therapy there wasn't much time to snap photos. She worked on her peanut ball, crawling, walker, and biking again today. She got back into the UGL cage and she is already working with more weight than last time. She loves to blow kisses to her therapists... What a lover!


Here she is grunting as she pushes those weights! Her motivation today: see how hard you can kick Rachel!

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