Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Looney Lovin'

The kid was working hard as usual again today. She increases her weight every time she goes in the UGL cage and Mel says on Friday she needs to add even more weight since she's getting so strong! Barney is her inspiration to work hard every day.

She was working on the big red ball today. When the day was almost over she started laying on Mel's shoulder and giving her hugs to get out of work! What a goofy lover girl!

Emily unpacked all of Kinzi's shopping bags and decided to wear every piece of clothing in one way or another! She thought she was pretty hilarious!

1 comment:

  1. What a great blog - - - nice job you guys, it is so cool to see what Emily does when she goes to Michigan. I knew she worked hard, but it is great to see that she is having fun doing it!!
