Thursday, May 22, 2014

Crazy Crawlers

Emily & Jamie started off the day with a high energy dance party. At therapy we started with crawling. Mel outdid herself with today's tower. It was taller than all of us and even stood on its own for a substantial amount of time.
We had a student observing today so Emily enjoyed showing off for her. Rachel and Emily had matching yellow outfits today. She did cage work and got to have a dance party at the end. This is her absolute favorite activity in there!
Emily did ball work with Abby today. Rachel entertained her with some dancin skills!

Em ended the day with another walker date with Roberto. Probably the best part of her day. No matter how fun the girls are they just can't compete with Roberto!!
It is our last night in Michigan so we went out to the movies to enjoy one last night together :)

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