Monday, May 12, 2014

Hard Work & Hotels

Day One of therapy at Europeds.  Em is loving the attention from her whole posse again!! We have our phenomenal physical therapist Mel, her PT student Abby, and aid Rachel. There is also a new guy at Europeds. His name is Roberto and as you can imagine Emily is smitten! Emily was evaluated and then kicked off therapy with lots of hard work. She was pretty wiped after but as soon as we got back to our hotel she perked up.

We hit the halls exploring our new home. Along the way the marketing director for the hotel heard us making a ruckus and came to meet us. She gave Emily a little baseball and they played catch. She's such a charmer she makes friends everywhere she goes. We called it an early night and hit the hay at 8:30. 

Free rides anyone?


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