Monday, May 19, 2014

Tailor sitting & Trick shots

Monday, Monday, back to therapy! Emily missed her girls over the weekend. She was pumped to get back to Europeds! She wore a new shirt today that she got over the weekend at the mall. She got so many compliments and she was beaming all day long and showing it off!!
Emily has been working on tailor sitting everyday. She is becoming more independent in getting into the position on her own.
Today she started filming her therapy home workout plan DVD. She is the star of her own show! As Emily grows and changes her physical goals change. Every year her therapist puts together either a booklet or a DVD including stretches and exercises to add into her at home workout regimen. This provides her PCAs and nurses with helpful information to keep her active and strong all year long!
After therapy we got a basketball from the front desk and played ball out on the hotel's court. She is getting really good at catching the ball! Some serious hand-eye coordination work!! Jamie & Kinzi are TERRIBLE shots so Em got a good laugh.


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