Sunday, May 18, 2014

Furry Friends & Farm Animals

Today was Zoo day! We visited animals at the Detroit Zoo. We started off in the butterfly building. Jamie was freaked out every time they would fly close to her. Then we went into the bird building and saw some colorful birds. We took pictures of a beautiful bright red bird for Emily's friend, Camerynn. 

In the monkey area we saw a momma and her baby cuddling and walking around. Emily loved them and watched them for a while. 
We did the Polar Experience where we went into a tunnel under water and watched polar bears swimming around us. It was so cool!

While watching rhinos a peacock was showing off for some lady birds and fanning his feathers. He was posing and turning for everyone to get pictures.
In the barnyard area Emily snorted at pigs and yelled "Ooowww" at the cows. 
We ended our visit in the penguin exhibit. We watched them swim laps and saw the king penguins watching over the rest of the penguins with their chests puffed out.
We were all exhausted after our busy weekend and went to bed early!!

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