Saturday, May 17, 2014

Make-up, Malls, & Museums

It's the weekend! Today Emily got ready like a typical teenager. She did her makeup in the mirror with the girls.
We started the day at the Great Lakes Crossing Outlet Mall. Emily enjoyed trying on hats and glasses and searching for outfits. She got some new lip gloss and has been reapplying constantly. She helped the girls pick out clothes and accessories.
This evening we visited the Cranbrook Institute of Science. We started on the lower level where there was a dinosaur display which included interactive exhibits. Emily enjoyed pushing buttons to hear dinosaur noises. She wheeled around to see all the fossil dinosaurs and compared her size with theirs.

On the main level she learned about the earth. We did some interactive water exhibits, velocity activities, and pushed the earth around the sun. There were ramps and elevators so she was able to experience everything the museum had to offer. 


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