Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Towers, Trails, & Tiny puppies

Today during stretches we got a visit from Bentley again. She is working hard on tailor sitting. She is improving every day. Today after stretches Roberto came in for a visit and posed for some pics with Miss Emily. She was in heaven :)

She worked on crawling today and is extra motivated by Mel's towers. She gets to crawl up to them and knock them over. Mel is in competition with herself to see how tall of a tower she can successfully build. 

Em worked in the UGL cage again today. She enjoyed kicking the Jamie & Kinzi barbies off the table for motivation!

Aaaand then Jamie & Kinzi had a little dance party ;)

We have been working on weight shifting exercises to help improve crawling. Today she did this on the big green ball. She always tries to get out of work by giving hugs. Sometimes it works ;)

After therapy we went to Rochester Municipal Park which has now become "the duck park" to us. We got to watch the ducks swimming in the river. On our walk we met a 4 week old puppy and fell inlove!!!

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