Thursday, May 21, 2015

Peanuts & Pretty Princesses

Day Nine!!

We wore a Twins outfit again just to antagonize Roberto! He's in denial about his love for the Twins!

Emily was full of love and snuggles this morning!

Emily did some really awesome walking today. Mel increased her weights again and she is doing great. Her steps are strong and she is steering really well. Our new friend Lauryn was hanging out with us today and Emily was loving having her around.

After our walk we did some peanut ball exercises. Mel & Em stopped to pose for a cute pic. Don't they look adorable!

We had an acrobat barbie today. She was doing stretches with Mel and push ups with Emily. She stayed on Emily's back almost the entire time she was working on it! Impressive balance!

The princess crown made another appearance. Princess Emily & Princess Roberto :)

At the end of our session today Emily gave Mel & Roberto their thank you presents. We wrapped them in Victoria's Secret bags to be funny and make Roberto squirm a little ;) It worked! 

Roberto is so excited to wear the shirt that Emily picked out for him... She definitely thinks he's "Really Really Ridiculously Good Looking!"

After therapy we went to the mall for one final shopping trip. Doesn't Em look fancy in all of her hats and glasses :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Swords & Secrets

Day Eight!!

At snack time today Emily wanted to share her snacks so she fed Nicole some of her trail mix :) What a sweet gal!

We started off with a walk as usual. She is getting so strong!!!! She is walking with a weight on the front and weights on her ankles... AND Mel was able to add even more weight to her ankles today. She's taking nice full steps and not criss-crossing her legs at all. This is HUGE for Emily and we are so proud of her!!!
Euro-Peds got some new aides and two of the girls trained with us today. Lauren and Regina. We are a loud crew and we may have overwhelmed them a bit ;)

After the walk we worked on tall kneeling. Look at that nice posture!!!

 The bucket is back! Well a green one this time. We go back and forth between it representing a Ninja Turtle and a Prince Charming helmet.

Then we had a little role reversal so that Roberto could take a turn being Princess :)

We played with Barbies again today. For some reason these are the two characters Em always chooses to represent Roberto. A Prince and a ballerina barbie... Hmmmmm ;)

We worked on the Bosu today. Emily works on her core and balance while reaching. We played with foam dominoes and threw them at each other.

As usual things got a little out of hand and precautions had to be taken. A knight's helmet and sword were Roberto's defense against all the ladies teaming up against him!

Roberto and Em took cover under a cardboard box to avoid the rapid fire dominoes coming their way!!

All is fair in Love & War. After the battle we had a little "dance" time :) Emily works on tall kneel walking across the mat with her man.

(video needs computer, not a mobile device)

Then we got some cage time. Look how tall and straight she's standing!

We worked on one foot standing in the cage today. Emily and Roberto were in full on secret mode. They kept telling each other secrets and laughing about it!

We worked on the step up and step down activity in the cage today instead of by the mat table. More secrets were told. They never told us what they were talking about so we all still have no clue!! But Emily was listening so intently and loving every minute! 
Then she discovered a mirror nearby and requested we bring it closer. As soon as it was in reach she pulled it close and smooched herself... a hundred times! Self confidence is not lacking with this beauty ;)

Emily worked so hard today that her legs were shaking! So when we got home we took a nap and then relaxed on the couch. Emily was just sitting there reading her books and she looked so cute we had to snap some pics!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Baseball Buffs & Boy Barbies

Tuesday Shmoozday!!

Today Emily wore her "I ONLY KISS TWINS FANS" shirt. As you can imagine we were quite a hit here in Michigan ;)

Our friends here may have converted to our home team ;) They will be very happy to have the world know this!!

 Our puppy pal Bentley came for a visit again today. Emily loves seeing him. As soon as he walks in the door Emily starts patting the bed for him to hop up with her. She pet him for a while and showed off her finger nails and hair. He must also be a Twins fan because he got smooched!!

We worked on some long-sitting abduction during snack today. Look at that nice range!!

Famous Emily got to be a Star in a video for Euro-Peds today!!
~Hi! My name is Emily and I took my first steps at Euro-Peds~
It took 3 takes to get it right but mission finally accomplished! We gave a little speech about why we love Euro-Peds and how it benefits Emily to come here. She was a champ walker and showed off her buff legs.

Her hair and makeup crew were on hand to tidy up the hair and make sure she was FABULOUS for her video. Roberto even helped. He takes his job very seriously!

Mel scored even more points today bringing in some more new barbies to play with. Today she brought the BOYS! Emily decided this one was Prince Roberto... see the resemblance?

~LOVE is in the air~

Monday, May 18, 2015

Gym Shirts & Gorgeous Guns

Back to work!
Day six!!

Over the weekend on our shopping excursions we found these shirts. "THIS IS MY GYM SHIRT." We thought they would be so fitting to wear to the EuroPeds gym! Emily was obsessed with pointing out that we were all matching all day. We all had a lot of fun with it.

Mel means business today! Weights on the front AND on her ankles! Somebody's getting big and buff!!!

Emily has been working on stepping up and down on wooden steps. She is supposed to step up with both feet and then step back down. INSTEAD she keeps trying to climb that ladder! And we have to tell her to get her butt down. She is such a little monkey!!!

OH ALSO- today it was one million degrees in the clinic. We thought the AC got fixed last week but it turns out it was just freezing inside because it was so cold outside. So today it was 85 outside and therefore one million degrees inside. Mel busted out her little personal fan from her office to cool Em off while she took a break. By the end of today she was overheated and overtired!

After lunch we went out in our hotel courtyard and sat by the pool to sun our pale pale skin. 85 and sunny... we feel like we are on a tropical vacation today!!