Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ducks & Decorative Dogs

What a busy day of fun we had!

We went to Rochester Municipal Park which we refer to as The Duck Park. There are tons of ducks and geese by the river and pond here and we always like to see how close we can get to them! This year we touched one :)

We walked on the trails and looked at all the pretty houses. Emily very sweetly greeted everyone we passed on the path. She's such a social butterfly now!!

After the park we went out to lunch at TGI Fridays. Then we hit the mall of course!! We stopped in Victoria's Secret and there was a HUGE dog mannequin inside. Emily and Kinzi thought it would be funny to play around with it a little bit!!

Of course we tried on funny hats as usual! And she always looks so cute in even the goofy ones!

1 comment:

  1. Emily, you ROCK in that hat! Love the pic where Em is pulling the dog's tail! Super funny!
