Saturday, May 9, 2015

Sing Alongs & State Lines

Today was the big road trip to Michigan!!
We have arrived!!

We packed the van full of luggage and pillows and started on our way at 530am. Emily slept a few hours at the start of our trip all cozied up in the back. We stopped a few times to eat and stretch our legs. All in all we made pretty good time... about 13.5 hours in the car. Emily was a trooper and did so great!!

We drove through Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan.

We put the Frozen movie on for her and hooked up the sound to the van speakers. Surround sound baby!! Em sang and danced along to the whole thing.
(video below needs to be viewed on a computer, not a mobile device)

1 comment:

  1. You are such great troopers, driving such great distance! Thank you Kinzi & Nicole for your dedication!
