Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Constructing Condos & Creeper Cams

Day Two of therapy!

Emily popped out of bed today excited to go see Mel & Roberto. We watched Frozen during spa time (massage & stretching) again today. We collectively quoted every line and sang every song. I'd say we are all die-hard Frozen fans :)
During stretches Emily got a visit from Bentley the therapy dog!! She gave him hugs and kisses and pet his soft fur. He got all comfy and laid next to her for a little while.

After stretches Roberto showed up for his date with Emily. Let the excitement begin!
We started off in the walker. Mel hooked up some weights to Emily's ankles for her to pull for strengthening. The reward of hugging Roberto was enough to get this girl cruisin!!!

While Mel was off getting those weights Emily wanted some one-on-one time with Mr. Roberto so we hid behind a window and creeped on them :)

When we got back from our walking adventure we moved on to "tall kneel walk" exercises. Emily held onto Roberto's hands and walked her knees across the mat while "dancing" with her date. We DJ'd for them with a little T Swift!! Shake Shake Shake It Off!!!

While doing peanut ball work Roberto was constructing apartment buildings, condos, and skyscrapers for Em to knock over. He was pretty proud of some of his creations. We got out the dolls and picked out one to represent Jamie, Jamie's future man, Kinzi, Nicole, Roberto, and Emily. They all took turns partying in the buildings until Em knocked them all over! She's a wild one!!!

We got in the cage today and worked on squats and reaching. After the work we took a dance break and "twerked" for a bit. Em had to show off her skills!

 (video has to be viewed on actual computer, not a mobile device)

Another busy and fun day of workin out!

~LOVE is in the air~

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