Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Swords & Secrets

Day Eight!!

At snack time today Emily wanted to share her snacks so she fed Nicole some of her trail mix :) What a sweet gal!

We started off with a walk as usual. She is getting so strong!!!! She is walking with a weight on the front and weights on her ankles... AND Mel was able to add even more weight to her ankles today. She's taking nice full steps and not criss-crossing her legs at all. This is HUGE for Emily and we are so proud of her!!!
Euro-Peds got some new aides and two of the girls trained with us today. Lauren and Regina. We are a loud crew and we may have overwhelmed them a bit ;)

After the walk we worked on tall kneeling. Look at that nice posture!!!

 The bucket is back! Well a green one this time. We go back and forth between it representing a Ninja Turtle and a Prince Charming helmet.

Then we had a little role reversal so that Roberto could take a turn being Princess :)

We played with Barbies again today. For some reason these are the two characters Em always chooses to represent Roberto. A Prince and a ballerina barbie... Hmmmmm ;)

We worked on the Bosu today. Emily works on her core and balance while reaching. We played with foam dominoes and threw them at each other.

As usual things got a little out of hand and precautions had to be taken. A knight's helmet and sword were Roberto's defense against all the ladies teaming up against him!

Roberto and Em took cover under a cardboard box to avoid the rapid fire dominoes coming their way!!

All is fair in Love & War. After the battle we had a little "dance" time :) Emily works on tall kneel walking across the mat with her man.

(video needs computer, not a mobile device)

Then we got some cage time. Look how tall and straight she's standing!

We worked on one foot standing in the cage today. Emily and Roberto were in full on secret mode. They kept telling each other secrets and laughing about it!

We worked on the step up and step down activity in the cage today instead of by the mat table. More secrets were told. They never told us what they were talking about so we all still have no clue!! But Emily was listening so intently and loving every minute! 
Then she discovered a mirror nearby and requested we bring it closer. As soon as it was in reach she pulled it close and smooched herself... a hundred times! Self confidence is not lacking with this beauty ;)

Emily worked so hard today that her legs were shaking! So when we got home we took a nap and then relaxed on the couch. Emily was just sitting there reading her books and she looked so cute we had to snap some pics!!

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