Monday, May 18, 2015

Gym Shirts & Gorgeous Guns

Back to work!
Day six!!

Over the weekend on our shopping excursions we found these shirts. "THIS IS MY GYM SHIRT." We thought they would be so fitting to wear to the EuroPeds gym! Emily was obsessed with pointing out that we were all matching all day. We all had a lot of fun with it.

Mel means business today! Weights on the front AND on her ankles! Somebody's getting big and buff!!!

Emily has been working on stepping up and down on wooden steps. She is supposed to step up with both feet and then step back down. INSTEAD she keeps trying to climb that ladder! And we have to tell her to get her butt down. She is such a little monkey!!!

OH ALSO- today it was one million degrees in the clinic. We thought the AC got fixed last week but it turns out it was just freezing inside because it was so cold outside. So today it was 85 outside and therefore one million degrees inside. Mel busted out her little personal fan from her office to cool Em off while she took a break. By the end of today she was overheated and overtired!

After lunch we went out in our hotel courtyard and sat by the pool to sun our pale pale skin. 85 and sunny... we feel like we are on a tropical vacation today!!

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