Thursday, May 21, 2015

Peanuts & Pretty Princesses

Day Nine!!

We wore a Twins outfit again just to antagonize Roberto! He's in denial about his love for the Twins!

Emily was full of love and snuggles this morning!

Emily did some really awesome walking today. Mel increased her weights again and she is doing great. Her steps are strong and she is steering really well. Our new friend Lauryn was hanging out with us today and Emily was loving having her around.

After our walk we did some peanut ball exercises. Mel & Em stopped to pose for a cute pic. Don't they look adorable!

We had an acrobat barbie today. She was doing stretches with Mel and push ups with Emily. She stayed on Emily's back almost the entire time she was working on it! Impressive balance!

The princess crown made another appearance. Princess Emily & Princess Roberto :)

At the end of our session today Emily gave Mel & Roberto their thank you presents. We wrapped them in Victoria's Secret bags to be funny and make Roberto squirm a little ;) It worked! 

Roberto is so excited to wear the shirt that Emily picked out for him... She definitely thinks he's "Really Really Ridiculously Good Looking!"

After therapy we went to the mall for one final shopping trip. Doesn't Em look fancy in all of her hats and glasses :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the Victoria secret bag presents! Emily,you look FABULOUS in those hats!!!!!!!
