Friday, May 15, 2015

Barbies & Buckets

Day Five!!

We changed things up a little bit today and tried out a new movie. TANGLED!!! And it was AWESOME!! Emily loved it and sang and danced and laughed along. I think we found another movie to help us branch out from Barney a bit :)

After stretches and massage we started with walker again today. Emily is getting stronger and better at walking with the weight on the front. She still pretends she can't push it without Roberto's help just to get him to hold her hands and pretend to pull her along. This girl knows how to charm 'em! And once again, anything for a hug from her new man!

(video needs computer, not a mobile device)

Mel brought in some awesome barbies including Elsa & Anna for Em to play with!! Scoring major points this trip!

During most of our other activities for the day we just thought it was hilarious to throw this purple bucket around and make everyone wear it on their head. It provided hours of entertainment.

(video needs computer, not a mobile device)
After all that craziness she moved into the cage. Her legs are getting beefy!!

And after therapy it is officially the weekend! We went to Great Lakes Crossing Mall and did a little shopping. We also went to see the movie Hot Pursuit. 

~LOVE is in the air~

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