Sunday, May 17, 2015

Borders & Beaches

Today was pretty cool. We decided to take a mini road trip to Lake Erie. On our way there we passed by the Canada entrance point. We were extra super careful not to accidentally exit there ;)

It was a beautiful hot day to start off. So we got in a tank top and shorts and rocked the bare feet! We went to a city called Luna Pier. It was just a cute little town with not much going on. We rolled out on the pier and saw some people fishing.

Then we went down to the beach and walked some of the shoreline of this Great Lake!! It was all of our first time with Lake Erie water on our toes :)

(video needs computer, not a mobile device)

Just as soon as we got loaded up it started sprinkling... and then it DOWN POURED! We got out in just the nick of time!!!

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